

Dr. Sachin Chitalkar

I am Dr Sachin Chitalkar, a medical doctor a pediatrician and radiologist from India and now pursuing fellowship in USA. It gives me a great pleasure to share a testimony about Samuel Chandran aka Sam aka Brother and his wife Christina aka Sister.
I met Sam brother and Christina sister 6 months back in George Washington University Hospital where I am pursuing Neuroradiology Fellowship and Sam and Christina are both working as nurse for 12 years. From the moment we met, I felt a connection or you call a bond that I can’t describe in words. Those were my initial days in the USA and Sam brother offered me help like an elder brother helps a younger brother. He said you can call me anytime of the day for any help he could offer. He did not just say it.. he meant it and he did it. Sometimes he spent days for me. No one does that.. especially in this land.. of opportunities. That was apart from the yummy Indian food I enjoyed many a times at their home and giving us home furniture.


I found in him a genuine and religious person respecting and loving others irrespective of their personal, religious, political beliefs.. or whatever belief you can think of. Once my family came here from India, my wife shared same feeling for Sam brother and Christina sister. My kids call them as Sam Uncle and Christina Aunty and it remind them their grandparents when they eat biryani cooked at their home. Sam brother and Christina sister were always there for me, offering support and encouragement whenever I needed it.


Their kindness and generosity are reflected in every thought and act. It is reflected the way they treat their own son, my wife, my kids, others at work place, even the strangers in shops or on roads. For instance, he will not even disappoint any underprivileged person on the streets even if Sam would be travelling by a car.


Recently, I came to know about one more aspect of his life. That he had produced some songs praising the god in late 1990 but he could not pursue his passion due to family commitments. But now he has taken rekindled that passion and the revenue generated would be used to help the people in need. What a noble thought!


I feel he is an example of love, compassion and selflessness and I will always be grateful to him. I don’t know if I will ever be rich enough not by money but by human qualities like love and compassion to repay for what he has done for me. Thank you once again for everything you have done and May God bestow good health and all success and in their mission to help the humanity.