
Who we are &
Our Accomplishments

<span data-buffer="">A review of our achievements<span data-metadata="">


US dollar fund raised and accomplish

5 Album

Released 5 Vol. of Traditional Songs.

2+ Priests

Brought many priests from other countries.


Evangelism and community outreach.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Walking in His Steps

<span data-buffer="">Christina S chandran<span data-metadata="">

<span data-buffer="">Co-Founder: Devaprasannam International Ministries<span data-buffer="">


Dharapuram Tamilnadu India


Saudi Arebia Aramco Hospital...


Marriage Mr. Samuel Chandran


I will bear a
male child

This poor man Called and the Lord heard him, He saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6.

Year 1969

From Dharapuram

Mud House

My name is Christina Chandran Lived in Dharapuram, Tamil Nadu, India. Lived in a mud House. We were one among the Poorest family of 4 siblings, I was a 4th child. There were many days gone to bed without food and to the school only with the rice water, my mother was a real bread winner and my father was a cooley. Sold vegetables and Fruits by carrying on the head, walking on the street, many days I have gone with my mother for selling vegetables. For Some time, we had cows and chickens were in our home. I have to take care of them, along with my brother Irudhi and with my studies. Since I wore torn skirts & blouse, I get used cloths from my cousin’s who are rich. Both myself and my sister goes and helps in my sister in-law’s house auntie and uncle’s house such as washing cloths and brooming their house for a meal. My mother side all relatives were rich, even one uncle was ward Councilor.


My sister was a great sprinter, won many medals Inter-District level. I was also good sprinter Unlike my sister level. Somehow completed Higher Secondary school. First my sister Joined Nursing in the school of Nursing at St. Martha’s Hospital, Bangalore, by the Influence of one of our Parish Priest. I too got the Nursing school seat in the same way. my sister finished Nursing First, with her Job Collateral, I finished my Nursing. She Paid all my Nursing Fees. I came out of Nursing as a Gold medalist


My 2nd brother Iruthayasamy was completed 11th Grade, and became carpenter, then conductor was a guardian for two of us and helped us morally, financially and emotionally. while I was in third year, I went for a school retreat, the speaker brother Fritz, his Preaching touched me spiritually and the lord spoke to me in many bible words and I surrendered my life to the Lord Je­­­­sus Christ, since then my life completely changed. came out of nursing school. worked for one-year bond in the same hospital

Year 1992

Saudi Arabia

Registered Nurse

In 1992 got recruited to the Saudi Aramco Hospital Saudi Arabia, I got posted in Ras Tanura medical center emergency room as a registered nurse and registered midwife. I was going to Indian AGEPE – Tuesday fellowship which was run by Dhahran, protestant fellowship Pastor Premkumar was our Indian pastor. April 1994 took Immense water baptism given by Pastor Premkumar in the Gulf of Arabian water, along with Kirby Banel American. I became strong Christian Devotee. I was suggested by my Pastor There is a male nurse named Samuel P Chandran comes to Indian AGEPE, he is been praying to the lord for an Indian girl preferably working in America, Pastor Premkumar introduced us so we both spoke, mutually understood and Inform to our parents in India. In India 1994 Dec 7th got married in St. Patrick’s church, Tuticorin, since then my married life journey started, I meditate on word of god a daily in the morning without fail. But I Faced Lot of struggles which I went through with the highest level of to lerance. But one thing I was caught hold strongly Jesus Christ. but God glacially helped me overcome. We where childless 7 1/2 years, Husband passed CGFNS American Exam for Nurse, got a Job in USA and got Green card till then 4 albums of Devaprasannam released to help orphanages and poor widows and destitute are did local ministries in Saudi Arabia underground church.

Year 2000

United States of America

I will bear a male child

Then moved to Dallas Texas in 1999 Since then we are in America, 2000 August attended Brother DGS Dhinakaran’s meeting in Dallas, asked him to pray for a child, he Prosfacized, that “I will bear a male child”. As per God’s Promise I got conceived in 2000 and delivered a male child in may 14th 2001 his name is Andrew. Due to family commitment, Nursing Job, we go to detoured from our gods call till 2019, when we released our Devaprasannam 5 volume, and the proceeds were given to orphanages and mentally retarded children home elderly home and widows. By God’s Grace, I myself and my Husband. has great relationship though we go through ups and downs, by prayer & fasting we were able to move forward successfully. please pray for us & helps our mission.

<span data-buffer="">Embarking Journey with Jesus<span data-metadata="">

<span data-buffer="">Samuel P chandran<span data-metadata="">

<span data-buffer="">Founder: Devaprasannam International Ministries<span data-buffer="">


Nominal Christian from Tutucorin...


Psychiatric Nursing CMC Vellore


Saudi Arabia Underground Churches..


Citizen United states of America...

This poor man Called and the Lord heard him, He saved him out of all his troubles. Psalm 34:6.

Year 1963

From Tutucorin

Nominal Christian

About myself I was born on Dec-16th 1963 in Thoothukudi were as a 4th child of my parents, we from very poor family, my mother was a devoted christian and she was a teacher for forty years in the Caldwell Higher Secondary school Tuticorin as a elementary school teacher. my father was just opposite, alcoholic and smoker, but we were all nominal christians. My mom used to get up at 4 AM daily reads bible and meditate on that word and she prays as well. After school work she will take tuition to the students and late night she will be tailoring that’s how she managed the house.


As a growing teenager I was eager to attend christian meetings specially Brother DGS Dhinakaran who Inspired me to walk with god. Helped my mother by working in summer holidays in a laboratory clinic. Finished higher secondary school education, but I was a very good football player won many Inter school matches up to the district level. I was very good in caring others and good in hospitality as a young person.


My 2nd Brother Johnson BE, MBA always guardian to our family as per his advice, I applied in college of nursing, got seat by the grace of god at Christian medical college & hospital Vellore with lots of teenage struggle and I was a hosteler, picked up bad habits such as smoking, never drank alcohol, I attended all saint’s paul tamil church in Vellore on every Sundays without Fail

Year 1984

CMC Hospital Vellore

Psychiatric Nursing

I Completed nursing with specialty in psychiatric nursing so I was a staff in Bagayam mental health Institutions in CMC&H for one year. Another three years I worked in urology ward in main CMC Hospital Vellore. my main ambition is to go to middle eastern countries to work as a staff nurse and bring wealth to my family, with the same wish I went to Muscat, sultanate of Oman. I was Successful. No Peace in my mind. At Muscat also, I worked in Ibn Sina Psychiatric hospital at 3rd year of tenure in Ibn Sina Hospital nursing admin transferred me to SOHAR Central Hospital to open a New Psych. clinic, I was all alone most of the time, started searching god really, read Bible in sixty days god really spoke in my heart with many words from bible. Then the tenth months, I came back to Ibn Sina psych. Hospital in Muscat, Then I thought I should go to different country, I tried many hospitals finally, I got recruited in saudi Aramco hospital, saudi Arabia, I was Appointed October 22nd 1992 in 2D Psychiatric unit. worked there for 7 1/2 yrs. I was attending Indian AGAPE -Tuesday Fellowship. Grew spiritually under the care of Pastor Premkumar, & Kirby Burnal took water baptism [immersed] in Arabian Gulf water.

Year 1995

Saudi Arabia

Underground Churches

From Pastor Premkumar advice I was able to get connected with Christina’s. Chandran, spoke understood each other because In Saudi Arabia meeting with woman is crime under the sharia Law, we Both Informed our parents, who met & mutually agreed, which happened in India. We both got married on Dec-7th 1994 in St. Patrick’s church, Tuticorin. Our Family Life started though we had many ups & downs, I got back slide which upset my wife many times


We continued upholding churches in Saudi Arabia (underground churches) in fasting & prayer while we were serving Khobar Tamil Congregation was Caught by saudi religious Police-taken to Jail, Then our focus changed to Khobar, Damoram, Jubail,. As per Company rule we were not allowed to live as a married couple so we prayed about that and god lead to persuade to go to America, so I have to equalize my Nursing to American standard by writing CGFNS, which passed in 1995 by the grace of god. I applied for a Job, and Green Card, God Lead us to get it in time. Still then we served Good in Saudi Arabia we were able to bring many ministers from USA and India to Saudi Arabia such as pastor Morris Cerullo (San Deago) and Dr. John George-Dallas Texas.

Year 1999

United States of America

Devaprasannam Int. Min.

Though I was called for god’s ministry, I got deviated from Normal, A-strayed and Backslided many times by looking at American lifestyle. Son Andrew was born 2001 as a miracle child, we were not having child for 7 1/2yrs. After marriage in 1994 to 1998 released 4 Christian Traditional Songs re-orchestrated by Fr. Dennis vaiz who was my 11-12th batch mate in St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School, Thoothukudi. The Cassettes were in the name of Devaprasannam for the purpose of helping poor, orphans, widows & destitutes. Now Some other agencies, put in Internet 4 volumes of Devaprasannam and getting revenues without our permission.


Though I worked as a Registered Nurse in 4 countries, until now many times dedicated myself to the Lord, my passion towards helping orphans and poor never changed. First we were in Dallas, Texas. In USA had own House and bought marble slab Ice cream shop with partnership for 6 years and sold it. I became sick in 2008, my wife, Christy struggled all by herself and went to India treated. My whole Family stood behind me, got well since then. Then we moved to Virginia now working in washington DC. So that we were able to convey the Love of the Lord to our patients. In 2019 Released 5th volume of Devaprasannam and started Devaprasannam International ministries through that we are able to give the proceed to the poor and ministry started with the greater vision of Devaprasannam city of hope.